Location start to be confirmed by email.

Registration info

Our aim is to help you improve your confidence on the bike during three sessions of skill based learning and practice.

Upon registration, please fill out the Pre-Camp Questionnaire. We will be sending you an email closer to the date of your chosen camp.

What to bring:

  • mechanically sound mountain bike

  • helmet

  • gloves

  • ample water

  • spare bike tube

  • a desire to learn and have fun!

For more information contact: okbikeskills@gmail.com

Name E-mail How often do you ride?: What type of terrain have you been riding on? Are you involved in other sports? If so, what kinds? Do you have any physical limitations or allergies, etc. that we should know about? How did you find out about our Single Track Summer School? Who would you like us to contact in the case of an emergency? Name and Phone # please: Submit